Case Study

Meet Cameron

What was his Current Situation?

Cameron and Christie came to Trumpet after being referred by one of our referral partners.  As a medical professional Cameron running his own practice Cameron was finding it difficult to make time to have his outdated cover reviewed.  Cameron made the time and is very thankful that he did.

How did Trumpet Help?

He was diagnosed with cancer in his mid 40s after noticing a lump.  Having been extremely fit and healthy this came as a huge shock to both himself and his wife.   Given Cameron had made time with us to review his policies he was covered.  

He was not just covered, he was covered properly, and it allowed him to take the time to endure the rigorous treatment, recover and continue to have his practice running whilst recovering.  

A few years down the track he is well and continues to run his successfully medical practice.  Once again having the right policy and ensuring it is up to date is imperative. It’s what we are experts on, and it is why you should contact us for advice. We make sure it is done properly.

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